Welcome to the Dutch Ferrari and Lamborghini Registry!
This site contains an overview of all known Ferrari, Lamborghini and related cars with Dutch history. Ever since the eighties I was an early car spotter and started to take analogue pictures of exclusive sportcars. In 2004 I decided to put my vast collection of images online and since then I received lots of help from other spotters and owners.
On top of that sites like www.autogespot.com and advertising sites are major contributors in the ever growing registry. Thousands of cars are now in the register, ordered by serialnumber and model.
Dutch registration numbers are transferred from one owner to another as long as it stays in the Netherlands but will change when a car is exported. Serialnumbers and vehicle identification numbers (VIN) however are unique and make it possible to keep following the history of the cars over the years. Lots of cars in the register have left our country already, but on this site they are kept alive in the Netherlands.
Because of privacy of owners, no names are published on the site. Information for this site is provided by among others kentekencheck.nl. We have no affiliation with Ferrari SpA or Lamborghini SpA or their respective companies. If you are in the possesion of information and pictures of cars that are not on the site that should be here, they are welcome at mwallenburg@chello.nl.
Enjoy the site!
Forza Ferrari é Lamborghini!
Marcel Wallenburg